Q: How are the CMH-17 Volumes organized?
A: There are six volumes that currently comprise CMH-17. They are listed below.
- Volume 1: Polymer Matrix Composites - Guidelines for Characterization of Structural Materials
- Volume 2: Polymer Matrix Composites - Materials Properties
- Volume 3: Polymer Matrix Composites - Materials Usage Design and Analysis
- Volume 4: Metal Matrix Composites
- Volume 5: Ceramic Matrix Composites
- Volume 6: Structural Sandwich Composites
Q: Is there a user's guide for CMH-17?
A: Yes. The Composites Handbook User's Guide is organized into roadmaps. Currently there are ten roadmaps, given below. Each roadmap contains a flow chart, specifying section, volume, and the sequence the reader should view them.
- Roadmap #1: Use of New Material in Design and Structural Substantiation
- Roadmap #2: Qualification of New Material
- Roadmap #3: Development of Lamina Allowables
- Roadmap #4: Development of Data for New Material for Submittal to Volume 2
- Roadmap #5: Use of Volume 2 Data for Design and Structural Substantiation
- Roadmap #6: Demonstration of Equivalency for Revised Material and/or Process
- Roadmap #7: Demonstration of Equivalency for "2nd Source" Material
- Roadmap #8: Bolted Joint Tests and Analysis Methods
- Roadmap #9: Bonded Joint Tests and Analysis Methods
- Roadmap #10: Design, Analysis and Fabrication of Repairs
Q: Where can I purchase the Handbook?
A: Specific information on purchasing the Handbook and related database products are available here.
Q: What is the most recent release of the Handbook?
A: The current release for the Polymer Matrix Composites Volumes 1 - 3 is G, Metal Matrix Composites Volume 4 is B , the Ceramic Matrix Composites Volume 5 and Structural Sandwich Composites Volume 6 are 1st edition releases.
Q: Describe the CMH-17 organization?
A: The CMH-17 organization is an all voluntary organization comprised of engineers and scientists from government, academia, and industry. The group is divided into three coordination groups, PMC, CMC, and MMC. These coordination groups are further subdivided along function areas, i.e. data review, testing. The General Information tab links you to other web pages within this site that describe in greater detail coordination group and working group organization.
Q: How often does the group meet?
A: Meetings are held every eight months, and generally alternate between east and west coast locations.
Q: How long are the meetings, and what do I need to bring with me?
A: Generally, the meetings run four days. The Secretariat provides a continental breakfast, mid-morning break, mid-afternoon break, meeting rooms, and audio-visual support (which includes overhead projectors, computer projector, copier). Individual attendees are responsible for registration fees, room fees, lunch and dinner. There is no expectation for new members to present technical material at their first meeting. You are perfectly welcome to simply attend the individual working group sessions you find of most interesting. Check the Meeting Information page often, as it contains venue information, registration instructions, sessions schedule, and links to download an invitation to the next general session.
Q: How can I get involved with the Handbook?
A: Contact either the Working Group Chairperson for the working group you wish to get involved in, or the Secretariat.
Q: How can I get on the mailing list to recieve an invitation to the next meeting?
A: Contact the Secretariat. We maintain a detailed database on all our members, for the sake of keeping them up-to-date with the lastest CMH-17 related activities.
Q: What is the members only website?
A: This portion of the site is limited to active members only. It contains links to download older versions of the Handbook, meeting minutes, technical presentations, Working Group Chair contact information, and electronic bulletin boards for member communication.
Q: How can I gain access to the members only website?
A: Any active member should have access to this site. If you believe you are an active member but do not have access, please contact the Secretariat.
Q: Is the CMH-17 data reduction program, CMH17 STATS available for purchase?
A: Yes. Please visit the online store for more information.
Q: Is RECIPE available as well?
A: RECIPE is available directly from NIST. Please visit the website
A: Refer to the data submission page for requirements.